Dear God, I've been gone a long time. Long enough to miss the new dashboard thing getting all set up and stuff.
Yeah, when did that happen? I don't like it. Haha.
I've been gone practically all summer long because pretty much after school ended I was thrown into this crazy whirl wind of summer activities.
More Camp
Car Accidents
Trampoline Buyin'
And crazy things like that.
After school ended, that very day, it was pouring rain, and I had on flats, yellow ones, and I had to walk across the street to the elementary school where my grandma was going to pick me up and then we would go to her house.
Welllll, my MOTHER told me that if it was pouring rain then she would tell my grandma to come over to the school to pick me up so I wouldn't have to walk, it's just across the street, but in 6th grade my mom saw me cross without the skywalk and got really mad, so I'm always paranoid she's there when I cross, so I always go over the skywalk, and then you have to walk through a huge field that takes like 5 minutes to walk through, so all together it's like a 10 minute walk to get to the school. So I get out of school, which by the way the dismissal was lame, and they shooed us out, and we were all alone in the hallway like we were the first ones to get out, and we were all like, dude, we will never step in here again as students, and we were all having one of those moments, like, omg, guys, and the teachers practically pushed us out of the school.
So then I ended up running through the already wet grass, because I knew the truck wasn't there, because there was no obnoxiously big red truck in the parking lot, so I had to run across the street in the rain. And it got my yearbook all wet, and some of the autographs got smudged, and then my pilot pen exploded on it, and so there are water stains and ink spots on my yearbook. Bleh. And when I GET there, my grandma is reading the paper and smoking a cigarette in her truck. Really? Really now?
Then I went to camp which I already explained in my other posts. :) That was so much fun.
But before I went to camp I was with my grandma (again). And we were going to some book store thing, that was supposed to trade in books, so you give them a book, you get one free, stuff like that. Well I never made it there, we ran a red light and got rammed by a car. I'm not gonna go into it, but I felt like 8 years old, scared out of my mind, and no one would tell me anything.
And the witness had the AUDACITY to tell me it was my fault because I was on a cellphone.
Ok, dude, *steeples fingers, and lets out a huge exasperated sigh*, first of all, I was not on a cell phone, (some witness you are), second of all, what if I was? That does not cause a vehicular collision.
That's all I feel like saying on that matter. Because then later in the day we got Burger King, and went to my new high school, and talked about my schedule. And then my mom goes "Yeah, well we should go, they got hit by a car today." And the lady looked at us like 'Haha, funny, no you didn't, why aren't you dead?" And I just nodded my head, and we walked out. And the entire time our trampoline was in the back of the truck.
Then I went to camp and stuff, and then I came back for one day and then I went back for 2 weeks, which I already explained and stuff.
Then I was home for two weeks, doing I forget what, probably nothing. OH YEAH. the second week we went to my (other) grandma's because it was 298495468783491834574 degrees out and she has a pool. We were there for a week, and we were sleeping in her basement, because it was about 10 degrees hotter than the actual temperature outside upstairs where we usually sleep, and ha, no way we were sleeping up there. And her basement was about 70 degrees. Pretty nice sleeping conditions compared to upstairs.
There were two little love seats down there, one in front of the TV and one behind it. I don't watch that much TV and Noah does, so I figured I could pass the time playing games on my iPod while he watched TV or something.
Well, like the second day, I woke up, and went upstairs and itched my nose and cheek area, and it was all bumpy, and felt gross, like I had a ginormous crop of pimples there, it made me not want to touch it. After I ate my Crispy Rice, I looked in the mirror. And it was this nasty rash thing, that was red and bumpy. And EXTREMELY noticeable. But not really anything I could do about it. It went like that for most of the week, google searching and putting on some Hydrocortisone cream. Until it got so swollen up and rashy and just completely NASTY that my grandma took me to, not the doctor, the pharmacy to ask the pharmacist what was wrong with my face. He said it looked like a spider bite, and then grandma goes "Well, they HAVE been sleeping in my basement." *blink, blink* Ok, well jeez, I thought that couch was just . . . .old, not infested with some spiders that crawled on my face and bit the crap out of it, and my hand too. But he said some Benadryl stuff, and we had to go back like 3 times to ask if what we had was right, and he never did come out of his cubicle to point it out to us. But we finally got it, and then I started to take it, and then it just disappeared, mostly.
But the spider bite on my hand didn't, and I spent the drive home trying to activate some Spidey powers.
I don't think they've developed yet.
Then the big thing of the summer, I went to Germany with my grandma(the one that picked me up from school, and the one that we got into a car accident with) because she wanted to go back to the country she was born in, and she just said "Hey, you wanna come with me?"
Then she went crazy and tried to repack my bag, and then the night before we leave, I had to say good-bye to everyone because they had to go to work, and then it was just me when I woke up the day I had to leave, and we had to get on the plane, because it took off at 5:59 pm. So my grandma and our chauffeur(My grandpa), drove us to the airport and we were there at 2:00, and we checked in and my grandma cut this one lady in the security line, and I had to throw my water bottle away, and then we chilled out at the McDonald's in the airport.
Then we got on the first flight, and it was so crazy, it was my first time flying, so I was a bit freaked out and excited, but then all the twisting and turning, and I got a stomach ache. But I still drank the complimentary Coke they gave us, hey, it was COMPLIMENTARY. Free pop, haha, sure I'm gonna turn that down.
We landed in Philadelphia, and then we had to go and get on the connected flight to Frankfurt, Germany, and it was really late, and there were a whole bunch of people in front of us and behind us(I think we cut like half of them in line, but that was like a month ago, and I'm to lazy to care if we did) and they were speaking in Spanish REALLY LOUDLY, and we couldn't understand any of it. But when we finally got on the plane and it was in the air, my butt started to hurt, I didn't want to SIT anymore. And that was only about 2 hours into the flight. So I got up to use the bathroom even though I really didn't have to use the bathroom, just so I could stand up. They gave us some weird food, and a crusty prepackaged brownie. So then I read for a little while, until I got tired, but then my seat wouldn't move back. So with my seat still straight up I had to lean my elbow on the arm rest, take my pillow and put it on my open palm, and lean my head on the pillow, and then after like 10 minutes my entire arm was prickling with that asleep feeling. So then I put down the little table and rested my head on that, and I fell asleep even though that was too low for my comfort, and my grandma, all resting in the aisle with her seat that was adjusting looked all comfortable, sleeping. We did end up getting about 3 hours of sleep. Then we woke up when they turned on all the head lights, and then I was awake. And we were like an hour from landing, and they were handing out orange juice, and stuff, and everyone was opening their shades, and I was like "THE LIGHT, IT BURNS MY EYES."
Haha when I finally got there, I was like ohmygod, I am about to finally breathe German air. Ahhhhhh, and then I got off the plane and out of the crazy walk thing and into the actual airport, I sniffed real big, like all dramatic and stuff, and it smelled HORRIBLE. Like B.O. and burned food. Jeesus. So I tried not to breathe, and we got there and Laura was there and so was Carla and it was awkward and we hugged, and they all started speaking German, and I just opened my eyes wide, and was all out of breath for some reason. And then my grandma was like, I'm going outside to smoke a cigarette, and then Laura's mom went with her.
And it was just me and Laura, and I was taking in everything that I couldn't understand, and trying to guess if the people around me were thinking in German or English, and Laura was just sitting there, and we were all awkward like. That was really how the entire trip was, awkward silences, on my part, and lots of people saying my name, and me not having a CLUE what they were saying. (God, this post is so long) But we did a lot of cool stuff, and Laura, Marie(her sister) and me had a really great time. From playing Uno, to them trying to teach me the (wrong) words for things. And then laughing when I said them, until I found out that it was just baby talk, and they weren't the right words. Those bums. I found out that they didn't know what a hobo was, or what creepy meant, or what pantsing was.
We went everywhere, we went to this really tall Main tower, and then we went to a vineyard place thing, where there were grapes, castles, and cable cars. We did a lot of walking and riding bikes, it was incredible. And they have these fancy things on their windows, when at night you roll these little metal slats down and it covers up all the sun, so at 2 in the afternoon you could be sleeping and you would never know it wasn't 9 am. After 3 weeks though I got tired of listening to German, and people only speaking their English to me when they were talking to me. So then we went home, and the flight was pretty much the same. Except for the long flight was first, and I was listening to a podcast, and while everyone was sleeping I was listening to stuff about Harry Potter, and someone on the podcast said something that was really funny, and I was trying not to laugh, because it was funny. And I don't even remember what was funny.
Then once we came home my parents practically jumped me, I had just opened my door and was gathering my things to climb out and they came on both sides of the car and waited for me. My mom said "She talked a mile a minute for about two hours, and then she got tired and went to bed." ACCURATE. Haha. And then I woke up early in the morning, because my clock was still on German time, so I woke up at like 9:00, when I usually get up at 11:00. And in German time, 9:00 was like 3:00 in the afternoon. I went to bed at all the right times to avoid getting jet lag, but I swear I got Jet lag, because we went to a barbecue the next day, and (that was the night we got our kindle, and I couldn't stop smiling for like 20 minutes) we sat around a fire, and ate chicken, and by like 9:30, I was almost falling asleep in my chair, I was so tired, but it was nice, the warmth of the fire, the people talking around, my cousin playing some super old songs on his guitar, and my brother trying to play, it was nice, and then we were driving home, and on my iPod played a song called Jet Lag, and as I had my face pressed against the car window watching the occasional lightning flashes, I thought, 'irony. Haha."
Then this week we did absolutely nothing, and it was amazing, there was not one day in Germany that we just stayed home, and by the last week, that was all I really wanted to do. Stay home, read, you know, listen to the all the time rain, and take a nap, maybe. But noooo, we went EVERYWHERE. Jeez.
And then I decided to make the mother of all blogposts ever, this is like the longest blog post ever, and it's 12:04 am, and I'm tired, so I think I'll go to bed, or something. Haha. But this gets a weight off my shoulders, I haven't blogged since I got back from CAMP. THAT WAS THE BEGINNING OF JULY. IT IS THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST.
Delaney :)
I'll post my German pictures later. There's too many to post all of them though.
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