I wake up at 6:00 and tell my self everyday that I'm going to go to bed earlier so that I won't be so completely tired in the morning, stand up and brush my hair. My hair is so messy in the morning, apparently I toss and turn so much it becomes a rats nest in the morning, and it's really hard to brush through because it has the thickness of like a lion's mane. I swear. And my brother likes to point out how messy it is in the morning. "Oh Delaney, you got some bed head going on there." Then he rubs my head and makes it worse. Like, bro, do you know how hard this is to BRUSH through? You're practically bald, you don't even KNOW.
After I brush my mane I check my list of things that I need to remember to do before I leave, like which hat to wear, which chapstick I feel like bringing, which jacket will be most appropriate to go with the weather, if I'm eating breakfast here, or if I'm packing a lunch.
I tend to forget things in the morning, so I make a list. :)
I do all those things and by 6:45 I get ready to leave, but I usually drag it out, because I'm supposed to leave at 6:45, but it takes me 4 minutes to get to the bus stop and my bus doesn't pick me up until 6:58. So I walk extra slow after I put my ear buds in by the street lights. It's so dark outside you can't see like anybody. Once I get on the bus I sit there staring out the window while my bus partner tries to talk to me, but all I want to do is listen to my music and dramatically stare out the window and think about how much I would rather be sleeping.
Once I get to school I meet Cassandra in the cafeteria and eat breakfast (or sometimes I don't because we have good breakfast food at home). Then Hansel and Mariah come and we talk until school starts.
Then I have French, which is so completely stupid it makes me want to rip my hair out and bang my head on the table. She treats us like we can't speak English, let alone French.
Then I have biology, with this teacher that doesn't even teach. He gives us worksheets and a book and then we have to work with it and turn it in.
So then after that torture I go to Mr. Jason's class whom I actually enjoy, I like to answer questions, and watch Mr. Jason stress out over small things and make fun of stupid people that are too stupid to realize they're being made fun of.
Then there's lunch, where we do stupid things, like play baseball with a water bottle and an apple. And make this one kid drink suspicious liquid dripping from a light fixture on the first floor. And throw food at the guys that sit at the table across from us. :)
Then 5th hour with Ms. Turner, omg she's amazing. She's like me in 20 years. If you can imagine that. :) And it's so fun, because I think she hates us, but she pretends like she doesn't and she doesn't get mad when you talk to her like a normal person. If we talked to Ms. William's like that she would go ham.
Then advisory, blah blah blah, Mr. Blakslee's amazing and Deja and Josh need to leave because they ruin everything. And are stupid.
Then 7th hour which is mega fun because we just tell jokes and kinda do math, and just mess with each other until the bell rings, and Mr. Bem hates/loves us and then I go home.
I ride the bus home and then my dad leaves to get my brother from his school, and I'm home for like a half hour. Bored out of my mind. That's how I spend the night, telling myself I'll go to bed a half hour earlier and depending on which day it is I do homework. Then after I eat I get ready for bed, and then I lay down at like 10:00 and go to bed. And then I wake up at 6:00 again.
It's ongoing cycle that doesn't actually end. Depending on which day it is though, I have tennis conditioning and Hello, Dolly rehearsal.
This Saturday I'm going to the Elvis Impersonator Show again for the 4th year tomorrow. :) I'm excited, it should be fun. :D
Delaney wrote this, bro.
oh my god suspicious light fixture liquids. and apple smush baseball.gosh we're awesome.