Well I haven't forgotten about this blog. (Not really)
But I do a lot of things in my little life. (That's kind of a lie, actually, I haven't done anything since swimming got over with)
I'm still weird, and annoying. So yeah. I mean really the only things that are different are that It's 2012! OMG. The year we DIE.
I got my bangs cut again, unprofessionally, so they aren't the improvising swoop bangs they've been for too long. They are front bangs, like they should be.
Exam week was last week, and I think I did pretty good yet, I haven't actually checked edline to see if they're up yet, but they probably are. But part of me doesn't want to know how I did on them.
I finally crawled out from under a rock and started listening to Panic! At the Disco. -__- I feel stupid. Why have I not discovered their genius before?!?
I don't really have and revolutionary New Years Resolutions that will be really hard to achieve. I never have resolutions like that, but just little things, like "don't wear your hair up so much", and "update your blog like a normal person", and "stop
like this"
Things such as that.
I gave this blog a makeover like last month, but I already don't like it, and it's like the 3rd time I've actually looked at it. Wow.
No one probably looks at this blog anymore because we hardly ever update it, we get so caught up in our lives that we really don't have and this gets lost in all the things.
But I'll make it a point to update this more, because Cassandra has inspired me to update this blog more often. :) So I SHALT.
Delaney, of course.
P.S. I made the background snow because of Michigan's lack of this winter. :P
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