What runs through the mind of a substitute teacher? What compels them to think they will actually get somewhere by teaching? Why are they so stubborn (Yeah, sure, we're totally wrong. It's not like we've been in this class for half a year now...) Let's take a trip through some of the many insufferable traits of those in this profession.
First, there is that one sub who is always late. Like laaaaate. We don't care that you live in Perry. We don't care that there are trains by your house. Get up earlier then, or just don't take the job. Because a 20 minute wait is ridiculous. And then when you spend the rest of the hour going on about your children... well it's no wonder you hardly get work anymore.
And then there is the sub who sticks directly to what's written.
"Well, it doesn't say in here that you can do that, so no. Next time tell your teacher to put it in."
"But this is band class. -_- We're supposed to play."
"Sorry, not written down."
I'm not joking. She wouldn't let us play. She flipped when people came into the class with instruments. WHAT DO YOU THINK WE DO, HOLD HANDS, SING SONGS ALL HOUR AND TALK ABOUT OUR PROBLEMS?!?!?!
She then proceeded to call role, using only first names.
"Okay, Zach?"
"Which Zach?" (from approximately 10 people)
"You know who you are."
No. No they don't. Nor does anyone else in the class who shares a name with someone. That's what last names are for.
And worst of all are those who actually attempt to teach. Like, we both know no one's going to listen to you. Just give use the sheet and leave us alone. It doesn't help then the sub thinks they know the subject, because then there's no hope.
So please, if you ever decide that the life of a substitute is for you, avoid these paths. Or watch your life turn to hell.
Absolutely love it Emma! XD That band substitute was awful at her job