I. Am. So. Sorry.
Y'know, next time i forget this long Dee, please come and smack me upside the head.
But I can say this, the first day of school was so awsome!!!!
Except German. The teacher spoke no englilsh all hour. My head was spinning.
I MISS FRAU LU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And english was super fun. Out teacher, Mr. Smith, is really cool. He's super against put-downs, so it gives the class a happier atmosphere. He told us to bring an object tomorrow that represents ourselves, but i'm still figuring out what to bring :(
I have lunch with my cousin, which is really fun because i never get to see him.
I was laughing so hard in band, it was awsome. The teacher Mr. Emerson is kinda weird. And there's this loft storage thing in the back of the classroom and my friend Danielle almost asked the teacher if he had ever found a dead hobo up there. I seriously wish she had. It's so different now that the whole band has class together, before it was divided up by instrument.
Well, ich muess gehe, Tschuess!!!
P.S Hopefully I can find my way out of the school tomorrow! (Unlike today...)
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