Highschool is great.
And that's like all I have time to say because ever since school started there has been like NO TIME FOR ANYTHING.
Let me explain.
So this year I have to ride the bus and I have to leave at 6:45 because my bus picks me up before 7:00. So I wake up at about 6:00, and get ready and all that, and then I catch the bus and go on with my school day. From 7:40 to 2:40.
Then I have to hurry up and go to the band hallway at the end of the day, which is silly because I don't even have band. But that's where we go if you have swimming. Then we all pile into cars and drive to the Hill center and then we swim. We swim for 2 and a half hours. Like today it was mostly stroke, but other days we do really tiring stuff, like no breathers, and sprints, and crazy stuff that makes you die a little bit inside when he reads off the sets. But me and Cassandra are sure we are about to be so buff by the end. In a way that keeps us going, haha, we just keep going "we're gonna be so buff, just wait."
So from 3:30 to 6:00(approximately, because coach doesn't let us out of the pool until like 6:15. Then showering and then getting dressed. So I don't get home til like 7:00. Then I have to eat dinner, (or other days like today, help make it), and then homework if I have it. And then I have time to do some stuff, but usually I'm too tired to even do anything. So I usually just kinda chill in my room.
We have swimming meets a LOT. Like this month of September we have 10 meets. Just in the month of September, but then it calms down and then we only have 3 in October, and then two in November. But the last meet in Ionia, I didn't even get home until 9:45. And I didn't go to sleep until 10:30. And if I want to be like awake in the morning and not dead, then I have to go to bed early, like 10:00 Is my limit.
So until November 5, I have no time to even breathe. Except for when I'm in school, then sometimes I relax. Only sometimes. :)
I'm really tired, guys.
And we have a meet on Thursday, and coach is putting me in the 100 backstroke, bro, I can barely even do a 50, and flip turns get water in my nose. Bleh. I'll still do it though, because according to coach, I have "A pretty darn good backstroke." Even though it hurts my arms after awhile.
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