This week begins taper for swimming so it's not so bad.
BUT LAST WEEK. OMG. Hell Week for swimming, morning practice 5:00 am erry day and erry afternoon. And super hard practices. And it was just really long, I made it to Wednesday alright, and then Thursday was a half day and a meet, and then Friday, it just seemed twice as long as Monday through Wednesday. I don't even know. And Coach put me in the 500 just you know, outta nowhere because he could, and then in the 200 relay and 100 backstroke, you know, just back to back to back, because you know, he could. Then I got swimmer of the meet and all that fun stuff. :D
I wake up at 6:00am, on a normal day of the week, and I eat breakfast, and get dressed, and stuff all by myself because my mom goes and lays back down, I do this practically in the dark, trying to not let my feet touch the floor, because it's freezing. Then at 6:45 I wake up my mom and we walk to the door and we say goodbye and I walk to my bus stop down the road. And I wait an awkward 10 minutes promising myself that maybe tomorrow I'll talk to one of those people, maybe just maybe, and I never do. I watch the guy from down the street jog in front of us with only one arm. When the bus picks up, I get this feeling of dread, what if I have to SIT next to someone, I don't want to have to awkwardly sit next to someone I don't even know and then when we get off I have to fumble with my bags and kickboard, and hope I don't drop something along the way. So when I finally get to school I go alllllllllllll the way up the stairs to the 3rd floor and stop at my locker to put away my swim bag and kickboard. Then I walk into the band hall area thing, and hope someone I know is there, but usually there isn't, and so I have to walk to the stairwell, and see if Hannah's there, and she usually is, so I sit with her and Richard comes from the groundish floor, and then we go to really annoying french class. Where Ms. Orcutt likes to pretend that we're all 5 years old, and we don't understand english let alone french. So if I make it through that, then it's off to Biology which is even worse, I have to sit with Shaton, Jequan(his cousin) and Caralene. I feel really smart when I sit with them, but they're funny, in a silly way. And if I survive through THAT, then I have World History, with all my friends, too bad they sit like on the other side of the room. Blerh.
Then LUNCH, where I get to enjoy a baked potato and some serious creepers. There are these 3 boys that like to annoy the CRAP out of us, but just being there, and getting into our personal space, and talking to us, EVERYDAY. It was ok like the first 2 days, but then it became an everyday thing, and I never get to see Kirsten or talk to her, and I still don't, because they are always talking about some stuff like larping and stuff, I swear like Hannah said, there hasn't been one day that they have sat with us that we haven't heard the word larping. And generally being annoying. Alexis thinks their obsessed with us, she is literally always like "why are they following us, I feel like they are always following us", and it's like no, we're walking around in a big circle in this gym, we're bound to meet sometime if they stay in one place. That was right before they attacked us with volleyballs when she walked right into them. Then after gym I have english. I LOVE english, but I hate that class this year. This lady, Ms. Williams, is soooooooooo annoying, she won't shut up, and neither will our class, we never get anything done because neither one of them will close their mouths, wasting time and stuff, this is like the only bad english class I've ever had, I mean Ms. Lux's class was only mildly annoying, but this class takes like 10 hours to get over with. Then that's over and it's Advisory with crazy Mr. Blakslee, it's basically a study hall, we don't actually do any work in that class, which is kinda cool, because Blakslee is this really cool guy with a 7 inch long beard. Hahaha, we talk about it like everyday, he said he "hasn't seen his chin in like 7 or 8 years." It's so thick that it just moves with him, hahaha, and he has a really good taste in everything, like books and music and movies, and he puts annoying kids in their place, and it's really funny. After that half hour class is Geometry. The last hour of the day, and I used to like Mr. Bem, until he got really rude, and stuff, we were talking about our posters, and he said that he put up the good ones only, and Alexis was like, oh yeah, I see Delaney's didn't make the cut, is that because is was MSU based? And while I was sitting there he says, oh no, the MSU one was really sloppy, I only put up the best ones.
Like ok, well then if you're gonna be rude like that at least say it to my face, jeesus. So when that's over I go back to the band hall with all my stuff and wait for the entertaining ride to Hill for swim practice. And I spend 2 1/2 hours swimming and chillaxing and socializing and putting thousands of yards behind me. When that's over at 6 I go home and chill, eat, read, then I sleep, and get ready to do it again the next day. :)
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