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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Middle School - In a nutshell(

6th Grade-
Oh hey, this is so cool. I'm a big kid now. I finally made it out of that dumb elementary school. Switching classes took me a second to get, but now I'm a pro. And that locker thing, haha, omg whatever, I so know my combination.
Basically in 6th grade I remember acting like I was so cool and awesome, because I was in 6th grade. And I remember playing Typer Shark with Logan in computer class and Twilight, my god, soooooooo much Twilight. Twilight was my life, it was everything, I swear to god, I like worshipped it. omg.
Best memorable/inside joke/quote/thing we did:  "Where's Ike?" 

7th Grade- 
Omg, I'm actually cool now. Those dumb 6th graders, what do they know? They think they're so cool. Will someone please tell them they aren't. I hate them, they get on my nerves, omg. But we're 7th graders, so we're cool now, because we aren't 6th graders. I bet everyone thinks we're awesome. Jkjk, I want to go back to elementary school that was so fun.
You take Ms. Stachwick, French, Owl City, Mr. Erspamer, The Duck Song, Drama class, Artemis Fowl, and Harry Potter and mix it all up and you have my entire 7th grade year. I swear all I even did was stay holed up in my room reading Harry Potter and listening to Owl City. And we were NOT cool. We were so dumb, and weird. Not even like you're so weird in a good way. We were just WEIRD. But that was the best year because we had the most fun.
Best memorable/inside joke/quote/thing we did: That one time we skipped iTec (omg)

8th Grade- 
Oh yes, oh god yes. We're so close to high school. So. Close. And what about those 6 and 7th graders. I mean who talks to them? They are annoying, I bet we look so old, omg. We are top of the school, we are so old. What even are classes anymore. Who pays attention. I mean really.
From 8th grade, I remember english class. Ms. Washburn's hair, Ms. Walker's hair, and eating oreos with San in the back of science. And the cursed Duck Song. The Rubik's club, "Friday", and Track. I don't even remember Cross Country or swimming it was so long ago. Haha.
Best memorable/inside joke/quote/thing we did: That entire 6th and 7th hour in the back of the old abandoned science room. 

Now that I'm in 9th grade, it's kind of like 6th grade. Except for I know I'm not all that. I know most people hate freshman, because, honestly, we're annoying as heck. Most people think that because we're freshman we're so cool and are generally annoying and completely intolerable. So I try to lay low most of the time. I think I liked middle school more than high school though. I'm not sure why, though. Because high school's ok.

Idk, bro.
Sorry I haven't posted in like 493065429 years, because I've been busy with you know, school stuff, High school tends to produce more homework, than middle school. So I'll try to post more, because I got caught up with you know, NanoWrimo, which I completed, with all 50,000 words. :) Plus, I kinda forgot about this blog. :) Kthxbye.

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