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Monday, April 16, 2012

There are lots of things happening lately.
I have tennis, and drumline clinics, and other random things that pop up and demand my attention.
Like this weekend I went to Mystic Lake camp, aka like my 3rd favorite place in the whole world.
But we were up there early for Work or Shirk, so we were cleaning up the camp getting it ready for the campers this summer.
This year it was sunny and warm, and not cold and windy like the last time we were up there.
For our job we were cleaning out a field that was about 50 feet long and about 20 wide. There were old wooden logs and prickly brambles. It all had to be cleared because they wanted to make a garden.
So for the next like 8 hours we shoveled, raked, dug and cleared out that entire field, and we threw logs into a truck.
And at the end of the day we had cookies and sat around the fire, telling jokes and throwing peanuts at each other.

It was really peaceful. I could look at a fire for hours and hours and never get bored. It makes me want to just  stop being busy, and just sit around a fire listening to Jack Johnson, because it seems like that is just the most relaxing and amazing thing to do.

P.S. I have no idea what I'm talking about, so you shouldn't take me seriously.

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