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Saturday, January 12, 2013

I'm writing this because he told me to and I was out of ideas so this happened.

So this morning I was in the weirdest mood ever. I was running around the house in my pajamas half awake, feeling so lazy and boring. I wanted to DO something. It was nice outside, and I don't do anything productive anymore. I wanted to go take pictures, or walk on the river trail with Hannah, or go to the mall with someone I don't usually hang out with.
I wanted to do something I don't usually do. To get out of the house, to do anything.
I thought I was going to go insane if I didn't go do something.
So I went with my parent's to the storage unit to go through boxes for a garage sale, and I found there's a random drinking fountain just chilling there, and apparently it's been there for the longest, because my dad couldn't let it be thrown out, and I never knew it was there. And for some reason, I wanted to take it home, but we don't have enough room. :( So there it sits, collecting more dust.
But we ended up taking home more stuff than we brought back, like books and old computer games to go through.
Then we went to Impression 5 to pick my brother up from his Art of Leadership something or other. And I was still frantically trying to find something so I didn't have to go home and face my chemistry review worksheet and messy room.
We were about to leave when I asked if I could go over to my boyfrandsssss house. My parents were making me drive, so they couldn't really say no if I just decided to drive there. :P But they said I could, so I drove like .5 miles there, but I couldn't figure out how to park in the driveway so I just parked in this little parking lot thing, and walked a bit down the sidewalk to his house. And my parents creepily followed me; giving me signs and stuff to tell me they were watching me. And I almost ran into a squirrel.
So that happened. I knocked on the door, and apparently he didn't think I was already going to be there. So he wasn't prepared for me to just show up at his house like 10 minutes after he invited me over. So while he was vacuuming rugs or something I was sword fighting with his little brother.
That shouldn't have been as fun as it was. But I was weirdly happy to be doing something instead of being home at my house doing homework all day, even if it was using a wrapping paper roll and a light up circus sword thing.
Which later he sat on and the lights on it stopped working. He then complained about how we couldn't disco anymore and it was probably the cutest thing I'd ever heard.
Later their family came over for their Christmas. His uncle was DOING THE ABSOLUTE MOST. We were just chilling in Corey's room, not really doing anything, talking about random stuff, and his uncle kept looking in the mirror on his door at us, or sticking the circus sword in the doorway and waving it at us, or closing and opening the door over and over. I realized the sound of a door opening and closing over and over is probably the most annoying sound that ever existed.
I had to ask my mom if I could stay for dinner, because the plan was to originally leave at 6 o clock, but 6 o clock came and went, so I just stayed for dinner.
For the record, I liked the soup, it was quite good actually. All cute looking, in bread bowls. And his family tried to embarrass him by telling stories about him as a little kid. But I thought they were cute and funny, and he didn't really seem embarrassed.
But the whole time they were opening presents, his uncle was over there, good naturedly trying to make me look like a terrible person. And it was funny, but I felt kind of like it was okay to be there, even though I wasn't part of the family.
And they all looked so happy, they were smiling, (or fake smiling in Marshall's case) and laughing, and telling stories, and I liked sitting there, not really saying anything, but just watching them, because it was adorable. They that cute family. :3
But soon it was 8 o clock, and they were leaving. And then it was 8:15, and my mom texted me telling me she was outside. So I had to leave, and go home to face my messy room, my homework, my laundry and brother.
I'll have to deal with it tomorrow, but for now I can pretend it doesn't exist. ^.^

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