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Friday, January 4, 2013

Throwback Thursdayyyyyyyy

I was talking with my friend Hannah ( and she mentioned a youtube channel we did about two years ago, in the summer between 8th and 9th grade.
Basically, I would do a video on Monday and she would do her's on Wednesday. It worked for about two weeks, we had a few discussions about books and the like. But I forgot to do two videos, and because my summer was so busy I decided to put my videos on hold because I wouldn't be able to do them every week.
We had 5 subscribers.
When I stopped making my videos, Hannah stopped a bit after. But we uploaded random ones just because. We uploaded a few from the last day of school in 8th grade, really random ones of us  me being stupid. And I uploaded an Owl City song from the concert I went to that summer. And the first time we made a cake in the middle of the night at her house. And who could forget the time we threw a boombox off her porch into the sidewalk and beat it with a sledgehammer until it was just plastic and circuits?
I watched them all and got a wave of the nostalgic feeeeeeeeeels. That was a fun summer, and I want it backkkkkk.
/end nostalgic girl's blog post

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